Thursday, April 19, 2012


So I love the kind of demotivational pictures like this. I find them entertaining. If you don't, that's okay.
Hey dudes:
I ended up not posting anything yesterday, I didn't have time. I had soccer pictures with my lovely team (who, upon learning that I have this blog said, "YOU'RE FAMOUS??" Sadly, I had to explain to them that you do not have to be famous to have a blog. Felt pretty great about myself though. For future reference, if you're ever in a sucky mood go find a kid who's not related to you and just talk to them for awhile. They'll think you're fantastic and will continually compliment you. Epic.) which was great. Then when I got home I made a birthday card for Anya (she'll hate me for saying this, so I will) and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANYA!!! I <3 u :)
Anyway, today I took a math test again and did some other lovely, lovely things in a school setting. AKA 6 hours of my life I shall never get back. Tomorrow's a B day though so it'll be fun cause I have English. Crap!! I have to do my homework for that class....
Anyway, then I went to slam poetry club with cdub which was really cool. I read the one I wrote and people liked it so that was neat. Then we had this assignment where we could go wherever we wanted in the school and had to write a poem composed of only phrases we found. It was epic and mine was really random.
So I don't think there's really anything else to say... I'm just going to look for pictures to post :) byeeeee

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Character Outline

So for those of you that don't know, I really like to write. (Duh. I have the longest blog in the history of blogs, or I will in a few years.) In my English class one of our long term projects is to write seventy pages. C-Dub (my teacher - full name Collins-Wilson) doesn't care what we write so long as if fills up seventy pages. So, naturally, people are being stupid and doing stuff like writing one word over and over again and stuff like that because they have no imagination or such boring lives they have literally nothing to write about. (And I only have a problem with the no imagination thing. I hate drab people with all of my non-existent soul. Boring people, however, don't bother me as much. I just try to avoid them.) Anyways, I, on the other hand, decided to actually do what c dub intended us to do, and I wrote short stories, poetry and a whole bunch of other fun things.
I'm also going to the Oregon Writing Festival this May (the day before my birthday - great present) and we are required to bring twelve copies of a piece of writing to share with our groups and peer edit. So below is what I think I am going to bring and you should tell me if you think its sounds okay or if I should go with my second option. So get ready for a REALLY LONG post. If you don't want to read it, just pretend you did and tell me it was fantastic. I'll be happy :)

He was a quiet kid, brought up by his mother. He didn't like to play with the other children; ever since his old golden retriever died he holed himself up in his room and constructed Lego monuments. People stopped asking about him and many even forgot he existed.
He went swimming every day without fail in the fish-filled lake behind his house. While most of the residents of his small town nursed a not-so-secret fear of the immense black body of water, he and his younger sister loved the obsidian waves and the way they lapped the pearly white shoreline.
He never went to school, yet could outthink and outsmart anyone he talked to. His mother never challenged his seclusion; indeed, she fueled it by supplying him with a steady flow of books that covered every topic you could think of. Why, he reasoned, would you want to go places and do things when time travel and teleportation is possible? He himself often traveled around the world in a single day, beginning in Greece (speaking with Homer) before breakfast and watching with a horrified look as Hiroshima was demolished just before dinner.
He participated in earnest philosophical discussions with his third grade sister. It was quite stunning to listen to them: the tiny eight year old girl and the quietly muscled would-be junior could both talk to the queen of England, should she ever invite them to tea.
He taught her everything he knew, and when she came home crying from school because kids had insulted him, her idol, he only laughed and reassured her that he didn't mind in the least. Unconvinced, when a boy in her class made the mistake of calling him a retard she decked the poor kid with a single punch, forever proving she'd earned the black belt that hung in her closet.
Her brother laughed for a full minute when she told him what happened, but disappeared into his room after dinner instead of reading Harry Potter aloud to her like they'd been doing for years. Later, when she crept past his closed door, she heard him sniff. Throwing the door open, she discovered him crying softly. When asked what was wrong, his simple reply was, "I don't deserve a sister as amazing as you."

Hey again! Sorry, my last post for today (unless I get bored, of course, in which case more stuff will come flooding in. Or if I procrastinate, cause I really should be doing my To Kill a Mockingbird hw... Atticus called Scout "baby"!)
So anyway, I follow my friend Obi-Wan Kenobi's blog (aka my buddy Chloe. For future reference, I am Yoda. She is Obi-Wan and I will frequently reference her as my faithful student.) and I realized that on her most recent post she referenced my blog and told people to read it because she is a person of epic proportions. Therefore I am returning the favor and telling you to go read hers. Cause its really good and she has pictures on it she actually took, not ones she found on the Internet like moi. Also I will try to post a picture of something epic every day if I don't bore the crap out of you with my long, obtuse paragraphs. The pictures will usually be under the heading "Words" so if you see that know that you are about to become more intellectually advanced. Or at least entertained.
ANYWAY, this is her blog:
So go look at it. Right now. Not kidding.


Hey y'all! So I just got back from school and it was an A Day, which means I had biology, pre calc, careers and american studies. All in all a depressing day for many reasons which will be explained right now.
1. Biology. First class of the morning, so while interesting is immediately quite taxing. We did watch a super cool movie on genomes and how you can access your entire genome now. This is a bit of a controversial subject as many people think it will just depress you to find out your "pre-destined" diseases (which is why I would only like to find out things I can help prevent. So not cancer, or Altzheimers, or anything like that.)
2. Math. The word itself explains all. I admit that I do enjoy math, but today we had to do a state work sample that we were assured we would be able to do (from a TEACHER perspective, so its a lie). I did it, but not after staring blankly at the paper for a whole 15 minutes and mentally swearing that entire time. Then we did some stuff with polar coordinates, I think, which was cool.
3. Careers. Sucks. End of story.
4. American Studies. I have a beastly teacher but we watched videos about the Holocaust and the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which instantly depressed me. I told my friend Anya I am disgusted with the human race at times; this is one of those times. I'll have whole other posts dedicated to my rants on humanity, though, so for now I'll spare you. You're welcome!

But now I am getting ready to go to taekwondo, where I will learn a new form ( there are 9 belt levels: white, yellow, blue, purple, brown and black with two degrees for each level except for white and black. White there's one and black there are nine.) I started about 4 months ago and I am a first degree yellow belt and am on my third form. Before this I was a second degree yellow belt, and before that a white belt. When you get to black belt, however, you start at first degree and go up to ninth and instead of having one form per degree you have three. It gets crazy, but I love it so much. I'm learning to defend myself and kick the crap out of people at the same time. :)

So I'll shut up now and you can go back to your lives!

Monday, April 16, 2012

SO MUCH HOTNESS. Nuff said, but I'll continue anyway. I loved this movie soooooo much, and I was so afraid it would be ruined BUT IT WASN'T. Thank God. Also, I can't think of anyone better to play Peeta than Josh. Screw Taylor Lautner, Twihards - can he be as hot blonde as he is dark-haired, like the above persona? No, I didn't think so. What now.

First post!

Hey everybody who decides to check out my epicness:
This is my lovely first post, in which I shall describe the name of my blog. It is called the Serenity of Fireflies because I watch this amazing TV series called Firefly that, sadly, was canceled due to lack of funding because people were stupid and decided to watch crap like MTV and stuff instead of this amazing story. (No offense to any of you who ship MTV; I'm not a big fan.) Thankfully, after the show was canceled they made a movie that ended the many many storylines started in the series, and the movie is called Serenity. Thus, the Serenity of Fireflies.
So my goal for this blog is to post at least once a day, but as I am a busy high school sophomore that might not happen. Anyways, I just wanted to start off the happiness!